Water Horehound
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Lycopus
Species: L. americanus
General Characteristics: Tiny, white, tubular flowers clustered in dense groups around a square stem in axils of opposite leaves. The members of this group are non-aromatic mints and are typical of wet sites. The various species are distinguished on the basis of technical details. They are sometimes called bugleweeds because of the resemblance of each flower to a bugle. Other species have less coarsely toothed leaves. The genus name is from the Greek lycos (a wolf) and pous (foot) and refers to the likeness of some species leaves to a wolf’s footprint. About 10 species of Lycopus occur in eastern North America; most are very similar, making identification difficult.
Special Adaptations: Compound containing entire plant can be used for stomach cramps.
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