Red Backed Salamander
Order: Caudata
Family: Plethodontidae
Genus: Plethodon
Species: P. cinereus
General Characteristics: A thin bodied little salamander that occurs in two common color phases. The "redback" phase has a reddish or orange stripe down the back and tail, bordered by darker sides. The "leadback" phase lacks the stripe, and has a dark colored back, sometimes speckled with faint light spots. In both the belly is mottled with a white and gray "salt and pepper" pattern. Adults are 2.3 to 5 inches (5.8 to 12.7 cm) long. (Note that these salamanders sometimes lose portions of their tails during encounters with predators.)
Special Charcacteristics: Does not require water to reproduce; young go through larval stage in the egg.
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